One of the biggest home improvement categories in the last few years is outdoor living and due to the Covid pandemic, the importance has elevated even more. Leading renovation and real estate professionals have compiled a list of the top new trends for 2021. One of the biggest trends that keeps gaining interest is the […]
What Your Agent Wants You to Know When Selling Your Home
Remodeling vs Moving…Which is Right for You?
Are You Too Young or Old to Buy a Home?
Moving During a Pandemic
Three Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a Home
Virtual House Hunting
The buzz word virtual is attached to everything today. Virtual learning, virtual meetings, virtual shopping and now virtual house hunting. Sure, there are a few things that you really can’t do virtually but with the Coronavirus pandemic, people have figured out unique ways to adapt almost any situation and searching for a new home is […]
Summer is the New Spring
Ahhhhh, summer! Like many, you probably established a lifelong love of the summer season, which offered the promise of warm days, late nights and lots of fun, when you began elementary school. Across the country, many people are counting on summer to have a similar feel this year with loosening restrictions, an improved economy and […]
Buying a Home for Retirement
You have been counting down the days, months and years to retirement since you finished high school or college and it’s finally almost here. As you approach your golden years, you may have big plans to travel more and spend time doing all the things you never had time for when you were working and […]
Buying a Home? Don’t Be Surprised by These Extra Expenses
Make Your Home Stand Out from the Crowd
The Paperwork of Selling a Home
Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing. An exclusive right-to-sell listing is the most common listing type and the majority of real estate listings fall into this category. The listing agent has complete control of the transaction and so even if the seller, the listing agent or a cooperating selling agent finds an acceptable buyer, the listing agent will still […]